About Inside Out Fitness…
We live in an appearance-obsessed culture. We are more concerned than ever with looking perfect and staying young. Because of that, Americans spend more money and time working out and dieting than ever before. Yet, we have a record-setting number of Americans suffering from health issues that proper exercise and diet could reverse and/or prevent. So, where’s the disconnect?
I believe that wellness is about so much more than appearances. Achieving and maintaining health and fitness goals is important for many reasons. But, the key to your success is all about the WHY. If your reasons are shallow, your results will be short-lived, if you get there at all.
My goal is to help every client understand why they are working out, eating healthier, etc.… Those reasons will be different for everyone. But understanding and appreciating why you are investing your time, energy and resources will result in greater effort, better results and most importantly, the ability to maintain your wellness goals for life. My approach is to start on the INSIDE with why, in order to see, feel and maintain results on the OUTSIDE for life.
If you’ve tried to change your habits in the past without success, I’d love to help you revisit your goals and create a plan that makes sense for YOU.